Offers list

Number of offers : 1 | Offer(s) 1 -> 1
Controleur Financier - AD24.01B_105 
 Contract : CDILocalization : Saint Pierre Les Nemours - 77 - Fontainebleau

Protection of personal data:

- Your personal data will be used strictly for the purpose of a recruitment assignment, a spontaneous application, or, if you have no objection, it will be added to our pool of candidates so that we can contact you if a suitable position arises in the future. Your data will only be sent to our client for the purpose of presenting your application, if you accept to proceed with the process at this stage.

- You can, at any time, request to access, rectify or delete all personal data sent during the recruitment process. To do so, simply make a request by email to our email address: We will undertake to carry out whatever action is required and to inform you as soon as possible. In all cases, all of the sent data, (CV, covering letter, salaries, salary expectations, test results, supporting documents, etc.) will be systematically deleted after a period of 2 years.

- We certify that this data will not be used for commercial purposes. Our website does not use cookies.